Historical Deviation Bands
Historical Deviation Bands are a technical analysis tool used to visualize the volatility of a financial instrument over a specific historical period. These bands are typically plotted above and below a moving average, with the distance between the bands determined by a multiple of the standard deviation of price movements over the chosen timeframe.

Volatility Measurement
Historical Deviation Bands provide a visual representation of price volatility, showing how much price has deviated from the average over a given historical period.
Trend Identification
By observing the width of the bands, traders can gauge the intensity of price movements and identify periods of high or low volatility. Narrow bands suggest low volatility, while widening bands indicate increased volatility.
Support and Resistance
The upper and lower bands serve as dynamic support and resistance levels. Prices tend to revert to the mean (the moving average) after touching or surpassing the bands, offering potential trading opportunities. Trend Reversal Signals: Sharp movements beyond the bands may signal overbought or oversold conditions, potentially indicating a trend reversal or a continuation of the current trend.
Risk Management
Historical Deviation Bands help traders assess risk by providing a framework for setting stop-loss orders and determining profit targets based on volatility levels.
Traders often use Historical Deviation Bands in conjunction with other technical indicators to confirm trading signals and assess market conditions. They are particularly useful in volatile markets where price movements can be erratic.